Winners of the 7th John D Gomke Charity Classic Golf Tournament
Overall Winners
with a score of 56
Team Tap That: Brett Smith, Nolan Grimm, Lucas Wolfe and Jamie McDermott
7:00 AM Tee Time Awards
1st Place, 1st Flight (59)
Steffen, Chew, Norwood and Welberg
2nd Place, 1st Flight (61)
Monaghan, Powell, Juhl and McCleary
3rd Place, 1st Flight (61)
Wash Our Balls: McMchon, Morrow, Morrow and Kumm
1st Place, 2nd Flight 70)
Earhart Farms: Earhart, Earhart, Ellis and Ellis
2nd Place, 2nd Flight (71)
Grasskickers: Day, Petersen, Lilly and Goff
3rd Place, 2nd Flight (71)
John’s Team: Gomke, Raff, Bowling and Littler
Longest Putt
Nolan Grimm
Longest Drive
Greg Steffen
Closest-to-the-Pin in 2
Neil Norwood
1:30 PM Tee Time Awards
1st Place, 1st Flight (56)
Team Tap That: Smith, Grimm, McDermott and Wolfe
2nd Place, 1st Flight (57)
#Poundtown: Smith, Fara, Perry, Parker
3rd Place, 1st Flight
Fenske, Grinhaug, Goldsmith and Baade
1st Place, 2nd Flight
Bogey Golfers: Weis, Walter, Grinstead and Doschadis
2nd Place, 2nd Flight
Team Sand: Partlow, Sand, Daugherty and Livingston
3rd Place, 2nd Flight
Wash Our Balls: Morrow, Morrow and Kumm
Longest Putt
Nolan Grimm
Longest Drive
Jared Johnston
Closest-to-the-Pin in 2
Putting Green Challenge Raffle Winners
48″ Smart TV: Tony Bower
$100 Hy Vee Gift Card: Nathan Parker
$50 Market Grill Gift Card: Nathan Parker
Closest-to-the-Pin Challenge
Set of TaylorMade Irons: Kane Powell
MD 3 60 degree Wedge: Chris Partlow
$50 Market Grill Gift Card: Chad Waddell
Raffle for 4-some at 2017 JDGC Golf Tournament
Mike Jones